Pro Woocommerce estimated delivery date per product | shipping date per product
Features present in pro version are:
- Estimate = Shipping days (set in shipping method) + Product preparation day (set in each product) + Extra days for backorder product (set in product and used only when the product is on Backorder)
- It gives the estimate date based on the Shipping zone assigned by the WooCommerce to the customer
- This plugin considers single source of product, so it is not fit for the drop shipping business as in drop shipping you delivery same product from different location
- Change the date format of the estimated delivery date
- Skip weekdays in the calculation of estimated time, so if Sundays are holidays at your shipping company, then you can select Sunday, and the plugin will ignore all Sundays while calculating estimate date
- Option to show estimate as days count E.g: Estimated delivery in the next 2 days
- You have the setting to control days count for product, cart, checkout page. you can show the date on one and date count on another page
- Change the Text shown along with the estimated date on the Cart page, single product page or shop page
- Add unlimited holidays date, so you can have a more accurate estimate
- Disable estimate message on the Cart page, Shop page or Single product page
- Change position of the estimated delivery date on the Single product page
- Change position of the estimated delivery date on the Shop page
- Change background color or text color of the estimated date message on the Cart page, Shop page, or a single product page.
- You can have different colors for these pages
- It allows you to specify Product preparation time and adds that into the shipping time to give a final estimated delivery date
- PRO version allows more control over the message formatting
- Translate the estimated date message in different languages
- Compatible with WPML, Polylang, and other translation plugins
- There is an option to add an estimated date in the order details, and order email
- If you can ship the product today itself and today is counted in estimate date calculation, then you can set a certain time, this is the last time, after which you cant ship the product today. So any order coming after this time will have estimate counting from next date and order coming before this date will have estimate counting done from today
- Tested with WooCommerce core shipping methods
- Quick update the product preparation time from quick edit form of the WordPress
- Bulk update order preparation time, using the WooCommerce build in Import/Export feature
- Show estimate date for individual product
- Show estimate date for complete cart or order as one single date
- Disable estimated date for a particular product
- It is works with all the shipping method that comes with the WooCommerce
- Add extra time to product preparation time when product is out of stock and you are allowing back-order
- You can add Extra out of stock time to each product and in a variable product, you can add it to each variation as well
- Support WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping method plugin
- Show estimate below each of the supported shipping type methods, so the user can select method as per there delivery requirement
- Option to specify exact product estimate date, if the product will be available to you on some future date for selling then you can’t give an estimate based on the preparation time, in such case you can enter exact date E.g: if you have some seasonal product that comes on some fixed date
- Have different wording for product estimate when the estimated date is next date E.g: Delivery by Tomorrow
- Have different wording for product estimate when the estimated date is same day E.g: Delivery by Today
- Insert estimate message using short code [estimate_delivery_date id=”product_id”]
- Show estimate date for any dynamically added shipping method
- Plugin will only show the estimate date for the order created from the woocommerce checkout page. It will not add estimate date to the order created from backend, or recurring order created by subscription plugin
- Set a global shipping method holiday dates that apply to all the shipping method in site
- Option to set shipping method specific holiday dates, you can either merge shipping holiday date with global holiday dates or completely overwrite the global shipping method holiday dates
- This plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage)
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